When you’re in university, studying is an unavoidable aspect of life. And oftentimes it can seem very mundane. After all, there are so many other things you’d rather do than sit down with a school book and take notes. But there is a way to make the task more enjoyable, and you’re going to learn …
Some people enter situationships with the intention of it never becoming serious. While others enter into this form of a relationship with the hope that it can transform into something more permanent… And if you belong to the latter group of people then this article is for you. As we’ll be diving into some situationship …
Most of us have probably attempted a few 30-day challenges at one point or another. They’re fun, great for building habits, and really help motivate us to try new things. Plus, there’s the added benefit of being fairly easy to commit to, versus making a “permanent” change. So I thought I’d round up ten of …
Autumn is officially here, and I think its arrival has left a lot of us with the urge to find some cozy movies to watch this fall. So I’ve compiled a list of fifty-five fall(ish) themed movies that I think fit the vibe we’re all looking for. So grab some popcorn and a few blankets, …
Relationships are complex and ever-changing, so over the years… there have been quite a few different terms created to describe them in their various stages. But one of the newest relationship labels has been the term “situationship”. It was first coined back in 2017, and as such, it’s a very fresh concept in the dating …
In life, we’re often told to make goals… Fitness goals, career goals, relationship goals, and of course, financial goals! Sometimes these goals are long term, sometimes they’re short term; sometimes they’re difficult to reach, and sometimes they’re not. But out of all the different variations… today, I specifically want to talk about short term financial …
If you’re anything like me, then you probably find yourself dehydrated on a regular basis. Because even though drinking enough water seems like an easy task, sometimes it’s not. Maybe you forget, maybe you don’t really like the taste, or maybe you just don’t want to (all of these reasons apply to me, in case …